Making Peace Between Dogs And Cats

There is no doubt that some cats and dogs are very temperamental. In fact, some breeds are so temperamental that they could not find it in themselves to get along with other domesticated animals. With that said, there are some cats and dogs that can live in the same household without giving their owners any grief. How is this possible? Well, you will discover this answer and so much more below.
Proper Introduction
When a dog or cat has been living in a home for a period of time, it is extremely difficult for them to even consider sharing it with another dog or cat. One thing is for sure, it would not be fair to expect them to share their living environment without proper preparation. This process will need to start with an introduction, which may require a few hours or several weeks. Depending on how temperamental your pet is the introduction process may not go so smoothly. Forcing your pet to get along with a strange cat or dog will not work.
It is recommended to monitor the pets closely during the introduction phase. And, never leave them alone together until you feel that both pets are going to be completely safe. Remember, the existing pet will feel more dominant in this case, leaving the new pet feeling vulnerable and scared.
Separation May Be Necessary
It is not unusual for pet owners to want to expand their family. This may involve adding a new pet to the family or a child. Regardless, the expansion will require a bit of preparation. However, adding a new pet to the family will be much more difficult for existing pets, especially when it involves a cat and dog. It is not unusual for these animals to be competitive and not get along with each other. In fact, if you rush it too quickly, you may be forced to keep them separated for a long time or forever in some cases.
When it comes to separating a dog and cat, a cat will always have the upper hand. Since cats can climb up high distances, it can be extremely difficult to keep them contained to a specific area. Dogs, on the other hand, are limited to short and high jumps. Keeping these animals separated will require a fence or in most cases crates.
Do Not Allow Antagonism
It is a fact that some cats and dogs will antagonize each other. This is a behavior that should not be permitted. An antagonist dog or cat will never get along with another pet, so nip it in the bud early on. If you see your pets antagonizing each other, you will need to put a stop to it immediately. Allowing this type of behavior to continue will only lead to long-term strive between the animals.
Never Show Favoritism
Like children, animals know when someone favors another pet over them. Showing favoritism will only make things worse. Even if you favor your first pet to a new pet, you should not show favoritism. Be sure to share your attention between each animal equally. If you desire a happy household, you will need to restrain from showing favoritism, regardless of the situation.
Calm Environment
It is a fact that introducing a cat and dog for the first time can be extremely stressful for owners. Well, it can be just as stressful, if not more for the pets. It is up to you to stay calm. If the pets sense your stress, they will immediately begin to feel stressed as well. Even if you are forced to separate the pets, you will need to remain calm until they decide that it is time to make peace.
Never scold the pets throughout the introduction process, because this will only lead to more bad behavior.
Offer Rewards
Dogs and cats will do just about anything to get a treat. Utilize this opportunity to encourage your dog and cat to get along. Not only should you offer your pets treats for getting along, but also you should voice your approval. Your pets will see that you are happy with their behavior and will be more than willing to get along from this point on.