Getting a puppy can really be one of the greatest experiences in the entire world. Who doesn’t love cute little puppies? The only problem is that a lot of people are not aware of the difficulties of raising a puppy. It is similar to raising a baby and it is going to require a lot of effort and devotion on your end. If you’re not up to the task, you shouldn’t even bother. Within this guide, you’re going to find tips for dealing with common problems during your puppy’s first year.

Be Cautious With Punishment

There is going to come a time when you have to punish your puppy. Don’t worry. You do not have to beat them senseless. A good, loud “NO” will do the trick. If you’re overusing your punishment tactics, your puppy may actually turn on you. Or, they might become scared. Always make sure that your puppy is punished right when the crime is committed. This is the best way to ensure that your dog knows what they’ve done wrong. This will also increase the likelihood that they will not repeat it again the future.

Playing Roughly

Puppies are full of energy and they’re definitely going to want to play roughly from time to time. You might even have the urge to join in. If you do, you’re setting yourself up for a disaster on down the line. If you’re allowing your puppy to play roughly, you can guarantee that they’re going to maintain this habit when they get older and that can be dangerous. This is why you should put a stop to rough playing early on.


Puppies tend to bite. They’ll bite everything from your hands to your clothing. This is another issue that you’ll want to remedy very early on. When your puppy begins biting your hand, you should let out a loud cry and walk away. This will teach your dog that what they’re doing is bad. Just make sure that your puppy has a good toy that they can chew on instead. This will prevent your dog from biting you when they get bigger and older.

Excessive Barking

All dogs are going to bark. Nevertheless, some cross the line and bark excessively. This can be very problematic for your entire family. If you let your dog bark excessively, there is a good chance that they’re going to make the neighbors go insane. And, that could get you into trouble too. This is an issue that you’ll want to address in the puppy years. When your dog barks, you should give them a firm response. “NO BARKING” is a good starting point.

If the dog refuses to stop, you should isolate them. This will teach the dog that they’re going to banished and hidden away when they bark too much. It’s too early to equip your puppy with the bark collar. You have to wait until he is six months old, if it will be still necessary.

Car Rides

There is a good chance that you want to take your dog on car rides. If so, you’ll need to get them used to it. Thankfully, this won’t be too difficult for most dogs. However, there are some that will get ill during the trip. That is why you should never feed your dog before putting them in the car. In the beginning, you should take your puppy on short rides. This will allow them to adjust to the environment. There are also motion sickness drugs that may help.

Either way, time and patience are the best way to get your dog comfortable to riding in a car.


A lot of dogs are going to mount one another. It doesn’t always have something to do with sex. Instead, the dog might be trying to get dominance over another dog. This can be a real issue though. After all, you don’t want your dog to start humping small children. In the puppy stage, you can get this under control. When the puppy tries to mount, you should tell them no. Eventually, they’ll get the message.

Preventing The Eating Of Feces

Finally, you should know that your puppy might try to eat their feces. One of the best ways to stop this is by preventing the dog from staying in his or her cage for too long. Some dogs that are confined for long periods will actually eat their own feces out of bored. You can also scold your dog when you catch them eating feces. Over time, this will put an end to your puppy’s problem.